Isabella Stories
Isabella's adventures around the Universe before she met Laura Keene
Isabella's Training

Imagine this:
It's 1954 and almost Christmas in Clinton, Iowa, but suddenly all the parts go crazy and Isabella has to restore everything before the holidays!
Can she do it all in time?
Silly Snowmen?​
Insolent Icicles?​
Wriggling Wreaths?​
Bubbling Bells?​
​Better not ask. JUST READ IT!

Out-of-this-world chocolate, two out-of-this-world cats, a very “earthy” Scottish pup and a cast of thousands…well, dozens, join forces in a heavenly romp in Scotland as Isabella and her friend Patton try saving a small-town chocolatier from the clutches of a big corporation in a hostile takeover. Rolling-on-the-floor laughter, nail-biting excitement, and even an occasional lump in the throat. Isabella does it again in this newest adventure.

A Missing Statue, Ancient Egypt, a Camel Who Talks, and a Cat Named Isabella? Wow.
Written history, oral traditions, and hieroglyphs tell us there were originally TWO Sphinxes built at Giza. More stories tells us invaders destroyed one of them. But what if the story is different?
Join Isabella on her captivating journey through intrigue and mystery in Ancient Egypt. You'll laugh and shed tears as she searches for the truth behind...
the Missing Sphinxella.
The following stories will be available in 2025 in Kindle and Print editions as part of Isabella's early life stories.
They are currently only available for members of Empress Isabella Fan Club (

When Isabella is called to help a frightened, well-hidden cat, she sure gets more than she bargained for.
As you travel with Isabella on her journey from the planet Hella all the way through the universe to the planet Jellba with strange plant-like beings, will both cats survive?

What is this strange place called Ireland?
After being assured that the planet Earth was the BOAP (Best of All Places) to live because cats were kings and queens here, Isabella finds it hard to adjust and finish her assignment with the strangest creature she's ever met...something called a Leprechaun.
Isabella's adventures will entertain, mystify and amuse the reader from the first to last page. (Amazon reviewer)
A magical cat and great adventures full of excitement and fun! (Cozy Mystery Book Reviews)
A glimpse into Isabella's world before she met Laura Keene. A sweet novella! (Kim Heniadis)
A sweet and delightful story of a magical cat with unexplainable powers and a hilarious attitude that will make you laugh out loud! (Amazon Reviewer Kara Marks)
This charming novella is a worthy addition to this author’s Isabella books. Evans has an imagination that is rare and clever. (Amazon Reviewer Kara Marks - 5 Stars)
Hilarious and Touching! Isabella joins her friend Patton to keep the building of two Sphinxellas from becoming a Cat-astrophe of cosmic proportions. Her uncommon approach will keep you laughing all the way through! (Goodreads Reviewer - 5 Stars)
Love, laughter, heartbreak. All this and Isabella, too. Wonderful addition to the Empress Isabella lineup of stories. (Reader Feedback)
This was a wonderful story. I love Patton, and can hardly wait for the next story. (Fan Club Reader)
I can't wait for the next one,,,
You never disappoint! (Fan Club Reader)
I have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, but I'm very happy. Thank you so much for the beautiful story. (Fan Club Reader)
That was a very sweet story. (Fan Club Reader)
Loved Loved Loved (Fan Club Reader)
What a lovely, heart-warming story set in the country of Ireland with its attendant charm, quaint legends, and mischievous creatures. I really enjoyed it. (Fan Club Reader)
Loved it! Read it to my first grader out loud in my best Irish accent (Fan Club Reader)